Friday, July 4, 2008

Proud to be Un-American?

Today was the birthday of the most divine country on Earth. While most of us celebrated with friends and family, thanking God for the privilege to live in such a land, a group of others who were born elsewhere but found the good fortune of becoming American citizens listened to a speech at the former home of Thomas Jefferson from our Commander-in-Chief welcoming them to citizenship. In spite of this important occasion, a protester interrupted his speech by shouting “War Criminal!” Just as she was escorted out, another man began yelling “he has brought fascism to this shore!” over and over. He was also escorted out.

This event demonstrates everything that is wrong with the anti-Bush movement. First of all, contrary to what some are claiming, nobody’s right to free speech was violated when the protesters were removed. I have the right to say whatever I want, but doesn’t that right end when I am limiting other people’s right to speak? If I were to interrupt a wedding ceremony by loudly protesting the preacher’s position on abortion, would anybody defend my doing so?

Also, their “arguments” consisted of nothing more than name-calling. Those who despise Bush often submit arguments with no substance, hoping that the sheer emotion will catch on and convince others. Americans as a whole are rarely fooled. I could no more easily change my mind about the president based on that display than I change my mind about Rosie O’Donnell after Donald Trump called her fat and talentless (after all, he wasn’t exactly discovering the wheel there). There are many forums for expressing one’s opinions in our democracy: writing congressmen, calling a radio show, advertising, town hall meetings, etc, and those who hold their views are by no means excluded from these venues.

More importantly, they were at the wrong place at the wrong time. These people were from countries like Mexico, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, Iraq and China. Convincing them that Bush is a fascist would be like convincing somebody who was stranded in the desert that the water they are finally drinking doesn’t taste good. The president was at a non-partisan event that had nothing to do with his agenda, and on our nation’s holiday. These folks have a way of making even those who sympathize with them shudder.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I really like this one.