Tuesday, August 5, 2008

The Complicated Stupidity of George W. Bush

George W. Bush is easily the stupidest president in US history. When he talks the idiocy just drips from his mouth (along with all that drool). I mean it’s completely obvious.

Not only is he a complete and utter moron, he has masterminded the biggest conspiracy in world history. You see, in order to establish Republican hegemony in the country and US military control of the world’s resources, he figured out a way to fly airplanes into the world trade center, blow up the buildings simultaneously, and get a well-known enemy of the US to risk his life by admitting he organized it. It’s just obvious. Never mind that no mainstream media outlet or university professor has taken this theory seriously—they’re in on the conspiracy! Everybody knows the people running the New York Times and universities are right wing zealots.

This allowed him to send troops into Iraq, which we all know was really for oil. Even though the country had not been producing oil for almost 20 years, and even though the Iraqi law that his administration helped draft stipulates that no foreign country may profit from oil production, and even though the US will be paying the same price as the rest of the world for their oil when it begins to enter the world market, it’s obvious that he is helping his friends in the oil industry to get rich.

When gas prices started going up, he was ripping off Americans to help big oil. And when he encouraged congress to allow offshore drilling so that the price of gasoline would go down, he was sacrificing the environment to enrich oil tycoons. So you see, whether the price is up or down, he is acting in the express interest of corporate America.

And he hates African Americans, as evidenced by the incompetent handling of hurricane Katrina—under-preparing for that hurricane was diabolically calculated. Of course, in the summer of 2008 when his administration failed to provide relief to the Midwest flood victims, most of which were white, that was yet another example of his stupidity.

In conclusion, George W. Bush is very, very stupid and at the same time has planned some of the most elaborate and evil schemes in world history. He is like a cross between Mr. Magoo and Lex Luther.

(Inspired by the complicated intelligence of Bush-haters)

1 comment:

Janessa said...

Is the vampire-Bush picture really necessary?